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Fiscal Calendar November 2023

Check the main tax obligations for the month of November.

IRS/IRC/VATUntil the 8thSending of SAFT file
IRSUntil the 10thDelivery of remunerations monthly statement
Social SecurityUntil the 20thPayment of Social Security contributions
IRS/IRCUntil the 20thWithholding tax payments of IRS and IRC
ISUntil the 20thSending of Stamp Duty monthly declaration
VATUntil the 20thSubmission of recapitulative statements – monthly and quarterly basis
VATuntil the 27thPayment of VAT
IUCuntil the 30thPayment applicable to vehicles whose registration month is November
IRS/IRCuntil the 30thSending the Model 30 Declaration
IMIuntil the 30th2nd IMI instalment