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Did you know that applications for support for energy efficiency in buildings are opening again?

The new guidelines for the 2023 Support Programme for More Sustainable Buildings, which now has 30 million euros to distribute in this first phase, have already been published on the Environmental Fund’s website.

The aim of this programme is to fund measures that promote the rehabilitation, decarbonisation, energy efficiency, water efficiency and circular economy of the applicant’s own permanent dwellings.

This programme has been restructured and now supports the following types of intervention:

1 – Replacement of non-efficient windows with efficient windows with an energy class equal to “A+”;

2 – Application or replacement of thermal insulation on roofs, walls or floors;

3 – Space heating and/or cooling systems and domestic hot water systems using renewable energy, energy class “A+” or higher;

4 – Installation of photovoltaic systems and other renewable energy production equipment for self-consumption with or without storage;

5 – Water efficiency interventions.

The reimbursement rate for each type will vary between 65 per cent and 85 per cent, with reimbursement limits ranging from €500 to €4,750.

However, the big news is that there will be an increase in this contribution limit of 10 per cent depending on the geographical area in which the property is located or if it is a condominium application.

Applications will be available from 16 August 2023.