Check the main tax obligations for the month of March.
TaxDateObligationIRS/IRC/VATuntil 5thSending of SAFT fileIRSUntil 10thDelivery of remunerations monthly statementVATUntil 20thDelivery of VAT statement – monthly regimeSocial SecurityUntil 20thPayment of…
Check the main tax obligations for the month of February.
TaxDateObligationIRS/IRC/VATuntil the 5thSending of SAFT fileIRSuntil the 12thDelivery of remunerations monthly statementIRSuntil the 12thSending the Model 10 DeclarationVATUntil the 20thDelivery…
Check the main tax obligations for the month of January.
TaxDateObligationIRS/IRC/VATUntil the 8thSending of SAFT fileIRSUntil the 10thDelivery of remunerations monthly statementVATUntil the 22thDelivery of VAT statement – monthly regimeSocial…
Check the main tax obligations for the month of December.
TaxDateObligationIRSUntil the 11stDelivery of remunerations monthly statementIRS/IRC/VATUntil the 11stSending of SAFT fileIRS/IRCUntil the 15th3rd Payment on AccountVATUntil the 20thDelivery…
The "Mais Habitação" package has brought new measures for local accommodation in Portugal. With the new law of October 6, 2023, holders of local accommodation records have two months (until…
Check the main tax obligations for the month of November.
TaxDateObligationIRS/IRC/VATUntil the 8thSending of SAFT fileIRSUntil the 10thDelivery of remunerations monthly statementSocial SecurityUntil the 20thPayment of Social Security contributionsIRS/IRCUntil the…