Self-employed workers with organized accounts - In November they can opt for the Quarterly Declaration
Until November 30, 2024, self-employed workers can opt for the quarterly calculation of relevant income,…
Check the main tax obligations for the month of November.
TaxDateObligationIRS/IRC/VATUntil 7thSubmission of SAF-T Billing FileIRSUntil 11thEntrega Declaração Mensal de Remunerações (DMR-AT) e (DMR-SS)IRS/IRCUntil 11thSubmission of Withholding Tax for the…
VAT Directive Expands Exemptions for Food, Beverages, and Medicines
Uma nova diretiva europeia aprovada em 2022 que tem de ser transposta para o regime jurídico português até ao final deste ano,…
Productivity bonus will only be exempt from IRS and Social Security if companies increase salaries
Productivity bonuses or the "fifteenth month," as they have come to be known, will only…
Check the main tax obligations for the month of October.
TaxDateObligationIRS/IRC/VATUntil 7thSubmission of SAF-T Invoicing fileIRSUntil 10thDelivery of remunerations monthly statementIntrastatUntil the 15thEntrega da Declaração de IntrastatVATUntil 21thDelivery of VAT…
Check the main tax obligations for the month of September
TaxDateObligationTaxDateObligationProperty Tax (IMI) Until the 2ndPayment of IMI (Property Tax) - for tax amounts higher than €500. Personal Income…