Check the main tax obligations for the month of January.
Tax | Date | Obligation |
IRS/IRC/VAT | Until 6th | Submission of SAF-T Billing File |
Personal Income Tax / Corporate Income Tax / Social Security | Until 10th | Monthly Declaration of Remunerations AT/SS |
VAT | Until 15th | Recapitulative Declaration – Monthly Reg. |
SS | Until 20th | Payment of social security contributions |
SD | Until 20th | Submission of the Monthly Stamp Duty Declaration and respective payment |
VAT | Until 20th | Submission of the Periodic VAT Declaration Monthly Regime |
VAT | Until 20th | Submission of the Recapitulative Declaration – Monthly Regime |
IRS/IRC | Until 20th | Submission of the declaration and payment of the IRS and IRC withheld on payment or making available of income for the previous month. |
Bank of Portugal | Until 22th | COPE – Communication of Transactions and Positions with Foreign Countries relating to the previous month |
VAT | until 27th | Payment of VAT to be made by taxable persons under the normal monthly regime, relating to transactions carried out in November of the previous year |
IRC | Until 31st | Model 30 |
IRC | Until 31st | Inventory |
IUC | Until 31st | IUC payment |